Finding beauty in the backyard since
Check out any photoshoot/event photos in the vault below. If they aren’t up after 2-3 days feel free to reach out!

As with most people, when Covid hit I decided to pick up a quarantine hobby – photography! Unfortunately for me, the first couple of months had me taking A LOT of photos of my backyard!! But let me tell you this, even after spending a month straight taking photos of the same couple bushes, I could spend another ten taking more (okay, maybe only nine). There’s so much beauty around us, always changing, always growing, that sometimes we need to slow down just so we can appreciate it. And while a global pandemic may be the perfect excuse to do just that, you can’t always depend on one to bring your life to a halt. So here’s to this website, a place for you to take a breather, look at something nice, and hopefully inspire you to admire the world around you too!
– Some wise dude probably